One Week In

Three days before Christmas. I have been in Provo for a week now and have only unpacked a small portion of my accumulated life brought with me from California. I still haven’t assembled one of the dogs’ crates so they are sleeping in the guest room while the cats roam free at night and slowly get used to their new home. The cats love the ledge that runs around two walls of my media room and have discovered which built-in shelf is the highest. For whatever reason they are drawn to the bathtub and sit in it any time I am in the bathroom.

The yard hasn’t yet been enclosed fully so the dogs have yet to roam free, but they have met Roscoe, the French Bulldog and his flock of chickens who live directly behind us and have exchanged barks with the young German Shepherd who spends entirely too much time alone in her run in the yard caddy corner to ours.

We had a horrible time packing up my house (thanks to my crippling fear of the move combined with my tendency towards procrastination) and managed to leave around 12 hours later than planned, leaving behind my lavender eye and neck pillows (I forgot they were in the freezer door) as well as my 10 & 12 pound weight sets (I was too exhausted to carry them to the car) and my bike with flat tires (there was nowhere to put it in the truck (or trailer that we had to rent at 7pm on Tuesday night because the truck was full).

Supposed to arrive late on Wednesday or early on Thursday, we actually flew into town with just over an hour before the doors were to open for the first show in Darcie’s baby, the new Unplugged! series at Muse. Eidola were playing an hour long set (two to three times as long as most sets at local Provo shows) and reworking their progressive rock sound into an unplugged format. The show did not disappoint and even received coverage in The Daily Herald and City Weekly. A turnout of around 40 people was a great start to the series and Mango Films shot video and stills for promo and Muse did a live recording of the performance.

I worked door at Muse on Saturday night for the last show of hardcore band, Parallax, who were on the verge of national attention when their singer, Blake Donner, died in an accident in 2005. This was a release for the limited edition vinyl pressing of their last recording, ‘Mediums & Messages’. 205 paying guests crowded into the venue to thrash and mosh to the band. It was a night with amazing energy and only one person really tried to convince me that she “only needed to use the bathroom” even though she seemed to know everyone and stayed until the end of the night once she finally paid the $6 cover. I was the front door bitch and I liked it.

It hasn’t been all fun and games, I have had a few dicey moments of anxiety, stress and insecurity about the move… Did I do the wrong thing? Will it all be fruitless? Or will this work out well and be a great fit? But sitting here in Muse Music Cafe, listening to Nicholas Allen sing to a group of about 30 people I have a feeling it will all be okay. Eventually. I think.