Five Months Later

Yes, I know. The blog idea didn’t really pan out, did it? I would love to say that I haven’t posted because I have been so busy, but that would not be true. The reality is that moving to a new town and all that comes with it is overwhelming, terrifying, exciting and life-changing all at once. Needless to say, there have been many moments that I have been crazily overwhelmed. I thought I would take a few minutes and get you all updated.

Things are starting to settle. I still hate the fact that my landlord lives in the basement and that he and his roommate drive me crazy by using up the hot water and not taking care of their laundry. The roommate was shooting arrows in my yard with one of the dogs out there, which did not go over well with me. I asked that he move out as I never agreed to two people living downstairs (it’s an illegal duplex set up, completely off-lease), but it’s almost the end of May and he is still here. I want to rent the whole house, but would like to have more income before I do that. In the meanwhile, I have at least gotten a bed for the guest room, even though there are still unpacked boxes everywhere. I have been working on a garden (in pots in case I need to move) and find it lovely to sit in the yard with a glass of iced tea and a book on a warm day.

I started working at a local venue (Muse Music Cafe) as their office manager back in February. I really love the venue and I am definitely using all of my marketing and promotional skills as well as my business experience to help take the venue to the next level. I work with my best friend, Darcie Roy, who is the booking manager and we make a great team… expect big things from us in the future! We just put on our first benefit show, MOMfest, and learned some valuable lessons about event planning in Provo. We earned a couple hundred bucks for our chosen charity, The Center for Women & Children in Crisis and got our name out in the community. Not too bad for our first one! Next up, our 4th of July sleepover (an overnight show culminating in the local parade in front of the venue) AND the fall Battle of the Bands! The Battle may not be until November, but we are starting early and hope to put on an amazing event.

I am slowly putting together the pieces to start a merchandising company that will cater to local/regional acts, helping create, develop and distribute quality merchandise. My first foray was helping a local band find a printer that could do some very specific die cut work for their upcoming cd release, and the band ended up using the printer that I found! It is going to be an amazing package and I was fortunate enough to get a preview of the product while in LA of all places. The band is Book on Tape Worm and Scott Shepard from the band recently joined local hip hop artist, Apt, on the stage at the Troubador in LA, opening for Neon Trees. I was there of course, seeing friends and supporting the Provo scene. It was a great show and a great visit.

Apt opening for Neon Trees is a fine example of why I love Neon Trees so much. They don’t forget their friends, or how hard it can be in any local music scene. They are sharing their success locally again by having Provo band, The Blue Aces, open for them during their upcoming SLC show at The Depot on June 8th. The Blue Aces are an amazingly talented group of teenage girls who just released their first EP on iTunes & Amazon… they are definitely worth checking out!

Well, it’s time to get ready to go work a door/sound shift at the venue, so I’m signing off for now. Hopefully I’ll be able to share some very exciting news the next time I post. There is something VERY cool in the works, but I don’t want to share the details until it is a bit more finalized. I can say that it SUPPORTS LOCAL MUSIC!