The Ball is Rolling…

I made a big move on Sunday… I gave notice on my apartment. My heart was pounding, I began to to perspire but did not go into a full blown panic attack. Hooray! Yesterday and today I spent the morning booking viewings of houses for Friday and Saturday. I have six houses to look at, two of which I have high hopes for. I know it might seem silly to see houses that I am not sure about, but the goal is to get a good concept of what is available in my price range so that I can better judge the houses I am drawn to.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am a horrible procrastinator. I will be moving the same week that I finish classes and am spending 10 days in Provo over Thanksgiving. That gives me very little packing time and I have not made nearly enough progress. However, the last time I moved I didn’t pack anything until two days before the move. The fact that I have eight packed boxes already is a HUGE improvement! I don’t plan on sleeping very much tonight, I need to do laundry and pack for my trip and hopefully add a couple more boxes to my tally.

I am still experiencing moments of sheer terror at the massive changes that I am making, but then I remember that I will be able to have my best friend, Darcie, at my side while I explore the Provo music scene. Tonight is the second night of the Battle of the Bands competition at Muse Music Cafe, and Eidola, a band that Darcie has been raving about, is performing. I really wish I was already there! I just need them to make the finals so I can check them out in person on Saturday.

I do have a full schedule of shows for this coming weekend. My friend’s band, John-Ross Boyce & His Troubles, is having a record release party at ABG’s on Friday and on Saturday it’s the Battle of the Bands finals AND night two of theĀ 6th Annual Cowboys & Indies at Velour. Darcie is an expert at venue/show multitasking, so we plan to catch both the finals and Eyes Lips Eyes‘ Cowboys & Indies performance. I have a feeling I won’t get much sleep until Sunday, but that is usually how it goes when I’m in Provo!

Well, that’s enough procrastination for today… I must return to the task at hand. I have a feeling those boxes won’t pack themselves.